$12500 Reward Pool for our Community! Join Moma Protocol Discord Invite Contest Now

Moma Finance
4 min readJul 3, 2021

July 6th, Moma Protocol IDO launch day, is a huge milestone for us. We have been preparing for its arrival since last October, from designing, developing and auditing our product, establishing our core and regional communities, frequently interacting with our community through over 30 AMAs hosted by our partners in different regions, to hearing feedback and sharing incentives through different events with early believers. We are very excited during this launch coundown period and are very much looking forward to it.

Our Big Date: July 6 🚀🚀🚀

Bounce & WeStarter IDO: 11:00am UTC

Hotbit IEO: 11:00am UTC

Uniswap & Mdex, MXC & Hotbit trading opens: 1:00pm UTC

Community is at the heart of Moma Protocol and recently we have seen more members joining Moma Protocol family, our community was always our number one supporter, and we are so honored to have such an engaging and supportive community, and now we want also to welcome more new friends to be part of our big Moma family, in which our community friends get the chance to know about Moma Protocol, join the conversation and participate in our project.

In celebration of our upcoming IDO we are excited to announce a Discord invite contest in which we will introduce Moma Protocol to more people through the power of our community, and invite them to participate in the Moma Protocol launch event. A total of $12500 USDT will be distributed to winners.

How to join Moma Protocol Invite Contest?

Step 1: Discord Invite Referrals

The first step requires participants to spread the word about Moma Protocol among their friends, families, and invite at least 1 referral to the Moma Protocol Discord channel

Tutorial: https://vimeo.com/570643308

Step 2: Follow our Twitter account

In the next step, follow our official Twitter account of Moma Protocol.

Step 3: Join our Telegram group

Proceed to Telegram and join the official Telegram Group of Moma Protocol. You can engage with our community and ask questions about Moma Protocol.

Step 4: Follow our announcement channel

In this step, follow our announcement channel of Moma Protocol on Telegram. We will regularly post updates about the latest progress of the Moma Protocol.

Step 5: Follow our Medium channel

Next step is to follow the official Medium account of Moma Protocol. Reading our Medium articles, you can have an in-depth understanding of our project.

Step 6: ReTweet the tweet about Discord Invite Contest

Tweet this post from our Twitter account with $MOMAT ticker and tag any 3 friends,and encourage more people join our contest.

Step 7: ReTweet the tweet about Moma Protocol’s video

Through this video, you can get to know Moma Protocol’s journey more intuitively. This video is the best way to learn about our project. We hope your retweet will encourage more people know about Moma Protocol.

This entire campaign has a total of seven steps. In order to get a rank, one has to successfully complete all the seven steps. To make it more interesting, we have developed auto-bots that will be assigning ranks to the participants according to their contribution to the invite contest.

How long will this contest last?

Start Date: 3th, July

End Date: 18th, July — 23:59 UTC

What’s the rewards of the Discord Invite Contest?

We have set up a reward incentive pool of 12,500 USDT for 50 winners, to ensure a completely fair and decentralized process, we have a bot on Discord that will give ranks to each individual participant based on his or her engagement. A smart leaderboard will be automatically updated regularly and display the community members in the top 15 places.

Rewards for the top 3 winners:

1st Rank: $2,000

2nd Rank: $1,000

3rd Rank: $800

We want to reward more participants engaging in the contest. So, we also have set rewards for participants based on their rank:

Rank 4 to 7: $500

Rank 8 to 10: $400

Rank 11 to 25: $200

Rank 26 to 50: $100

Looking forward to more people joining our Moma community and exploring the wonderful world of DeFi together.

The invite contest is one of our first contest events, more events and activities are coming soon, so don’t forget to follow us and join the conversation.

Visit our Website: https://moma.finance/

Join our Telegram: https://t.me/Moma_Official

Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/NfH5JmnkKn

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Moma_Finance

Follow us on Medium: https://momafinance.medium.com/



Moma Finance

A Proprietary Solution to Meet the Growing Demands for Liquidity, Scalability and Speculation in DeFi Lending Markets.